Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

Wow! It has been years!

I would like to report that things are going as well with my weight loss and healthy living efforts as they were when my kids were this little, but it's gone steadily downhill ever since. The main problem is definitely binge eating. This has lead to a 50lb gain... It's so depressing. My kiddos are at an age right now where they are really looking at what I do and learning from me. I feel like I'm failing them...

That's a tough thing to say on Mother's Day.

I know I'm a good mom. I love my children. I do anything for them. They love  me right back unconditionally and they kinder than I can ever love myself.

However, on this one thing that is so important and may determine how long I'm around for them I feel like I'm failing.

I think I might re-open this little place to let out all my feelings and just get back to basic blogging. Getting things off my chest. Keeping myself accountable - even if it's just for me.

Let's see how long it lasts, shall we?